Celebrating Bruce’s 74th birthday

live presentations of Chasing the Heartland

Springsteen may have temporarily postponed his US concerts due to health issues, even he can’t stop time. On September he will turn 74 and fans all around the world like to celebrate that moment (and wish him speedy recovery of course)! I, too, am celebrating by reading and singing from my novel.

23 Sept: Hamme (just under Antwerp)

15.00 - 23.45 hrs. There will be opportunity to buy photographs by Rene van Diemen (former Backstreets photographer), talk about all things Springsteen, take part in a quiz and listen to the wonderful cover band The Boss Brothers.

And me, of course.

Tickets - €15 - can be bought here (hurry up - it is nearly sold out)

Photo: Rene van Diemen - feat. Paulina Vanderbilt and the Boss

28 Sept: Zoetermeer Popboerderij- The Legend of Springsteen - 20.30 - 22.00 hrs.

From the venue website:

Deze band weet de sfeer van een avond met The Boss perfect neer te zetten. Geen imitatie of look-alike, maar een live ervaring met vuur en pit. De band wil samen met het publiek genieten van de muziek van The Boss en er een onvergetelijke avond van maken. De muzikanten spelen ook in één van de meest succesvolle tribute acts ter wereld: Ultimate Eagles.

Tickets - €26.50 - can be bought here.

I am a free bonus and you can buy my book on the night. Buy a ticket and you’ll be entered in a draw for a free copy of my book.

DISC at Het Puntje - 12 August - special performance Chasing the Heartland

On Saturday 12 August at 19.00 - 20.30 hrs I will be telling / reading from my novel Chasing the Heartland during the traditionally wonderful storytelling session at beach cafe Het Puntje, organised by my friends at Disc. Writer of one of the songs in the novel - Will o’ the Whisperer - will be there to accompany the words with song.

You can buy your tickets now for a wonderful evening with me and 2 more storytellers, and a cuppa homemade soup (and boy is that soup good!)

Of course, I shall have copies of the novel available too. Stock of the first print run is running low; get your hands on the first edition now!

location: Den Haag, Strand noord 3N, 2586 ZZ Den Haag, Netherlands

Delft 9 June 2023

We celebrated the launch of Chasing the Heartland in a warm hofje! Thanks all who came. You made the moment very special.